Friday, December 31, 2010

A look back at 2010

For many, 2010 was a great year.... for some, not so great. Many of my bestest bumpie friends got their BFP, or bought homes, got raises or had babies :) Though I was not able to complete my dream with a baby, I am 100% grateful for all that I have.

I was able to apply for a new position within my company and get the job, I also got a raise and a bonus, and have my health. I have a husband who makes me laugh on a daily basis, who supports my crazy ideas and my ups and downs. Love ya babe :)

Also, not only do I have a new and improved job, I make enough that I'm able to help support MH going to school and also have certain luxuries (although most of those have gone out the window since we've been going through treatments) but that is ok if it brings us our take home baby.

We have family and friends who love and care about us, two furbabies who adore us (when they're not in trouble that is), a nice roof over our head with nice things inside, and most of all, I HAVE THE BEST E-FRIENDS A GIRL COULD ASK FOR!!!!! I <3 you guys!
Your support through this past 20ish months has been immeasurable. Not only have I been entertained, I have felt loved, I have laughed and cried and could not have honestly gotten through this journey without you.

I hope all of our hopes and dreams come true in 2011, whatever they may be. Happy New Year!!!!!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Comcast cable

So, we got our cable bill today and seriously almost died of heart failure. Not only was our UFC fight plus 3 On Demand movies on this bill, the new rates were applied. This bill was upwards $250!!!!!

So, after I picked my jaw up off the floor, I decided to educate myself and shop around to see what other competitors were offering before calmly calling Comcast. We've been with them for 5+ years, so there were no more introductory rates for us, but other companies would be able to offer us up a deal right?

I found better rates with two other companies and felt secure enough to call our cable company and cancel if they were not able to work with me. So I get sweet Ashley on the phone who was totally understanding and worked with me to reduce our monthly rate. She waived our DVR fees (among others) and actually saved us about $30 a month!!

Needless to say we will not be renting On Demand movies at $5.99 a pop anymore, nor will we rent another UFC fight for a while :o)
Mad props to Comcast for helping our broke asses out :)

Why did I post about this? Well, the moral of the story is don't underestimate big companies. I've learned that there are sooooo many discounts they can give if you just call. Sweet Ashley even told me to call back every 6 months to see what discounts they can offer us

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Not sure where I belong anymore

**Warning, ranting vent inside**

As much as I'd like to say I'm not sad we aren't pregnant, I am. I had to change my blog profile for the 3rd time to change the year. That stings.

I'm on a forced break, and will not cycle until month 20 at the earliest. We have spent what little savings we have, and are in debt $4000 due to IF. MH and I have decided to cycle this next month whenever this fucking cyst allows, then most likely will take a few months off to pay off the debt and start again.

Which brings me to the title of this thread. I have no idea where I belong. I know I'm still welcome on the boards, but I just feel like a lost soul right now. My BFPB's both have their sweet boys (love you girls!!) but here I am stuck in this revolving IF door baby-less and feeling hopeless. I feel like it is quite possible it won't ever happen for us, and that scares the living daylights out of me.

My friend Happy Aardvark sent me this beautiful angel necklace that made me cry. A good cry. I felt like this angel reached out to me. I'm not extremely religious, but it touched me in this strange way, rendering me helpless. While I don't know where I belong, I know I am loved. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me.... I honestly don't know how I would have gotten through this ((BIG HUGS)) Hopefully I find a home on a birth month board in 2011

::Wipes tears::

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Elfster gift!

So I partake (partook ?) in an elfster exchange, and just wanted to show off what I got. I love love love them! A multi-colored scarf so it will pretty much go with almost anything, a vanilla candle (my fav) and adorable slippers!

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Huge thanks to my elfster!! xoxo

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Um, birth control?

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Yup, this is my new drug to be on I suppose :/
So, I went in for my baseline appointment on Friday, expecting to begin my IUI meds, but come to find out I have a planet sized cyst on my right ovary. Congratufuckinglations, it's a mass!!!
So, I will be on birth control pills for 21 days, and will go back when cd1 comes around, which she is predicting should be around 1/10/11. Hopefully it will be gone so we can cycle, otherwise we'll be waiting it out, or having them remove it.

So with these 21 days, I plan on hitting the gym hard, and doing sit ups (which I have failed to do while we've been TTC) For some reason I have it in my head that sit ups will destroy my phantom baby that has not even existed. I am beyond silly, I know.
I will say I am 100% putting my thermometer in the nightstand drawer, and shall not retrieve it! Hopefully I can give it up for good now. Maybe.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Christmas stroll down memory lane

I love this state, and better yet love this city. I moved here in 2005, met my husband and created many memories. I just thought I would share some of my Christmas memories with you =)

Here's a few snow picutres- this one I took from the back of our house last year
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And one of the street in front of us
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Every year MH and I try and go look at Christmas lights somewhere. Last year we went to The House of a Million Lights. It's pretty stinkin' cool.... it's this old Victorian house that puts up over a million lights on the house and yard. You can tour the inside of the house and it has a different Christmas tree in every room. Here are some pics of that :)

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And one of the Christmas trees in a room
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Here's one with two smaller trees
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This one is a little dark because the room lighting was pretty dim, but it has feathers on it
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And if you got this far.... here's one of me :)
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

We're getting that much closer!

Ok, so yesterday MH and I went to the RE's office and took the injectables class. Man am I glad we did, I was a bit overwhelmed by the original size needle!!

Here's a pic :)
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Anyway, so the plan is to call on cd1 to schedule b/w and u/s, then on cd3 begin Femara from cd3 through cd7 (2 pills a day). Then on cd9 I'm taking 150IU of Bravelle (I think that was how much) for 2 days and go in for an u/s on cd12. From there they will determine how I responded and we'll either continue with the Bravelle or they'll have me trigger :)

AF is set to arrive anywhere between tomorrow and Tuesday (clomid messed with my LP so now I have no idea what it really is). So excited!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

More testing

So, my new RE sent me for a few tests (Glucose and Thyroid). My glucose test came back ok I believe, though I'm waiting to hear back from them. But my thyroid came back high. :*(

It's not crazy high overall, (the avg they like to have it between is .5 to a 5, but when it comes to TTC they want to see you between a .5 and 2.5 - aaaaaand I'm at a 4. I was given 75 mcg Levothroid pills to take to get this lowered. I go back in 4 weeks for a repeat test to see if the pills are working and if they need to adjust the dosage.

I asked if we were still able to cycle in December, and was told it should not be a problem!! So I'm pretty stoked there. It's totally possible I ovulated this month, so I should have my cd3 appt sometime the week of 12/13 with a monitoring u/s right around Christmas and IUI possibly sometime between Christmas and New Years!! :o)

PS- I have decided to take a bump break until we start to cycle in mid December, so if you don't see me around, I'm still alive!! lol

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It looks like we will be cycling next cycle!

I was in the shower (yes, this is totally G rated) and MH walked in. I don't even know why I blurted this out, but I asked him if he wanted to cycle or wait until after the holidays. He came back saying he would like to do it next cycle. Squeeeeeeeeee!

I think deep down that is totally what I wanted to do, but the thought of all the monitoring appointments around the holiday just scared me, but hearing it from him made it all go away. My temps have been up for the past two days indicating possible ovulation, though I temped a few hours later than norm- the reason for the open circles. This *may* be a normal cycle (which thrills me because it would mean I O'd all by myself) lol I won't get my hopes up since it could just be the later timeframe. If I didn't ovulate and it's an anov cycle, this cycle could very well go into Christmas time anyway

We have our injectables class on 12/10. I'm pretty stoked to start this round :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow with friends and family :) Be safe, and as always, enjoy yourself!


Monday, November 22, 2010

New RE, new plan!

Ok, so my consult appointment went so, so well! My RE was super nice and informative, and really listened to me. He went over all the different options, mentioned that with my age and health we have a great shot at getting pg (he thought my lining may have been my main issue the last few cycles).

I told him cost is a concern since we don't have thousands of dollars to spend right this second, so we ultimately decided on doing a cycle with Femara on days 3-7, then adding Bravelle from approximately cd7-10. Then depending on when I have mature follies, I'll trigger and use progesterone (this will be my first cycle with progesterone).

The doctors office has one sample box of Bravelle, which will save us hundreds of dollars, and then a few of my lovely friends have offered to give me their leftover unused vials of Bravelle- so hopefully if anything we'll just have to buy one or two vials, then the Femara, prog and ovidrel!

Did I mention that I LOVE this office?!? Hopefully this gives us our little bundle of freakin joy! :)~

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Make first gluten free baked good. Check.

So tonight I decided to make cupcakes for the hubs, and got the bright idea to try a gluten free recipe just for kicks.
Soooooooo, I was beyond surprised at how good it tasted! I totally recommend trying it for those who are starting out on this diet. The full recipe is in my food blog, on the right side!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


First off, I love change. If I could, I would rearrange my furniture all.the.time.

But that's not what this is about. I promise :) So, seeing a few of my 3T ladies going through or starting acupuncture got me wanting to start back up again. Soooo, I called an made an appointment for next Monday! She was so excited to see me back again (I think I am a challenge for her) hehe

Ok, so again, not what my point was for change. ::sigh:: focus Papps.
A fellow bumpie turned IRL friend started this diet that her acupuncturist and RE recommended for her IVF, the gluten free diet. I decided while I'm on my break, to try and cleanse my body as much as possible. After talking with her and reading up on it, I think it's totally do-able (although the lack of pasta could do me in) :o)

I remember my acupuncturist trying to tell me how good for the body it was, but I pretty much laughed at her and told her that's not for me. Well, one year later with no luck.... this lady is changing her mind.

Happy Eating!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Our Winter Break

So, since DH and I have decided not to cycle this upcoming month or two, we thought it would be nice to use some of the money saved to take a short vacation. We decided to go Mt Bachelor, Oregon to board a bit. Should be a nice relaxing getaway

So, we're going here
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For a little bit of
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In this powdery goodness
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We're still going to try and save for the upcoming cycles, but I personally think a snowboarding trip is much needed! LOL

Friday, November 5, 2010

Looks like this isn't our month either

I'm pretty devastated. I know it's not over till the fat lady sings, but well, you know. I used a Gold Digital First Response so the odds of the neg being correct are pretty damn good at 13dpo.

Plan is to sit out this next cycle, set up a new appointment with ORM (the new clinic) and move to a new RE. I'm hoping this break will give me peace of mind, and allow me to be unmediated for the first time in 5 months. These last months have been really hard on me emotionally, and I need to get the old me back.

I really have no words. A big thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of me.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Blog Name :)

Thank you for everyone who posted on my blog or PM/emailed me with suggestions. After thinking long and hard, I decided to change the title from Live, Laugh, Love and Learn to Our Arduous Journey. I think it describes our life at the moment.

Hope I still keep you mildly entertained :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Autumn in Oregon

I love this time of year :) So I figured a walk would do me wonders, so I went out today on my lunch and decided to take a few pictures of our scenery. These are all taken either from the road I work on, or on our property itself.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Name Change

Ok, so I'm hoping with your help, we can come up with a new blog title. I have been thinking about it a lot recently, and just think it's a good idea. HOWEVER, I'm drawing a blank. I mean really, it's been a struggle.

Soooooooooo, for those of you who know me, what would be a well suited blog name for my blog? It can be anything (though I would like it to have some relation to our struggle of getting pg since I talk a lot about our journey).

Thank you thank you thank you in advance for anyone who tosses out ideas!


Edited- Since I can't comment :(
Those are both pretty good! I just don't know what I want though. I may steal those so you better ask for rights now :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

After a long internal debate.....

I decided to show myself. LOL

I always love it when I see what others look like, so I thought I'd out myself. (Granted, I tried to pick a picture that left a little to the imagination, but still let you see who you've been talking to over the years)

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I had just hiked up to the top of this hill! (It was for 32nd birthday)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Two of the worlds best nephews....

and they're all mine! (**PIP's removed**) I will say leaving them made my IF hurt worse, but over all it was the best trip! I love those guys <3

On topic- I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check for follie size and count. If all goes well, we'll trigger soon and IUI to shortly follow! Wish us luck!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Aaaaaaaaand I'm off!

Just finished packing and we leave tomorrow for Cali! Yay! I just finished wrapping my nephew's birthday present (he's turning 3) so I got him tons of Thomas the Train stuff (His fav at the moment I hear).

I'll miss you ladies.... see ya on the flipside!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The New Me

Ok, so I thought since it's been light years since I have posted this, I thought I would update.

I've been a naughty girl. When I had to switch jobs for the month, I fell so far off the wagon it's not even funny. DH wasn't able to go at the times I needed to go, so I just didn't go. To add insult to the situation, I even ate worse. I haven't weighed myself yet, but will tomorrow and post and update in here. (I'll be the first to admit I'm pretty scared)

BUT, with all that said, I've started going back to the gym this past week, and have started eating better again. I plan to hopefully use Spark People to enter in my foods for the day to track calories etc....

It feels good to be back :)

Friday, October 8, 2010


So there really was no need to test this morning, AF showed in the middle of the night. I did test just to rule anything out, but it was negative of course. Thank you all for the good thoughts and wishes :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

POAS'ing tomorrow @ 15 dpo

So, I just found out that I won't be able to make my beta due to conflicting work schedules with my new job. Eh, whatev. So I decided if AF doesn't show up by tomorrow morning I would just POAS. I'm pretty positive we're out this cycle, but since my longest LP on clomid (or ever for that matter) has been 14 dpo, I figured I would do it tomorrow.

My blood pressure rises at the thought of seeing another negative test, but I suppose the optimist in me says "What if Papps, what if" I'll update in here no matter what :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


**WARNING- adult language**

Not sure why the fuck I can't get pregnant. I mean really? There are morons who get KTFU no problem, and yet we just can't seem to make it happen. I know it ain't over until the fat lady sings..... but I just heard her warming up in her dressing room. With this massive temp drop, it looks like AF is coming earlier than normal. Yippie!

I start my new-old job today, and now I sit here in tears, wondering how the fuck I can put on my game face yet again and push through the day. I seriously hate this shit. I'm so mad at the world I just don't know what to do anymore.

How many sad tears do I need to shed before I can get some happy one's? Why am I not meant to be a mom yet?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My mummy cupcakes

They certainly look nothing like the model I used, but eh, they were tasty! LOL

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

This is so awesome!

Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner rock my world. Every time I see this, I just look in awe. I wish they would come to my city and create some art! I'm sure most of you have seen this before, but for those who haven't...... their pictures are all on regular city streets/malls floors etc.

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+++ +++
+++ +++

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mini vacay- here I come

So I just got approved to take a few days off...... I'm going to go to Cali to celebrate my nephew's 3rd birthday. I love this kid so much.... can't wait to see him :) Plus it's a few days away from everything!! Yay for vacations! lol Who knows, maybe I'll bring home a bottle or twelve of that good 'ol Napa Valley wine! Mmmmmm

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tonight has been rough

Started off normal.....MH worked today, so I spent the day running errands and watching my Sunday chick flick. I have always gone though happy and sad spells about our TTC journey, which normally passes quickly- but I seem to be in this funk. I'm uber bloated from the trigger shot, I cried myself to sleep last night because of the pain I was in (felt like gas bubbles, just without the gas) and every time I see a baby lately, my heart crumbles a bit. My ever so positive other half is becoming less optimistic, and I have to admit.... I'm scared shitless of what the future holds for us.

I hate the idea of needing another bump break, but I'm not sure how much more I can take. I stay because I want to support my lovely friends always be here for them; to be able to share in their ups and downs. But in the same breath, I feel like I need to step away from the interwebz and focus on everything but TTC (minus our upcoming medicated cycle) ::insert eyeroll::

If I do take a break, please know it is nothing personal. I'm so happy for all the BFP's over the last year plus.... in a way it's what keeps hope alive. I may just need to refocus things if I can't get past this.
Thanks for listening


Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm so excited for Halloween!!!!

First off, I adore decorating for Halloween! It's so much fun, and I actually think I may have more decorations for Halloween than Christmas!

Back when I was in college, part of my degree (Behavioral Science) was to take Anthropology. From that and my Spanish minor, I learned so much about El Dia de los Muertos (here's link for more info for those interested- sorry don't know how to make it clicky)

But I absolutely loved learning about it all, it was so interesting

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No parties or anything like that this year, but I can't wait to have all my decorations up, and have the kiddos come knocking on the door :) Aaahhhh, Fall time!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

IUI #2 went great!

So yesterday I started having some major cramping, and freaked thinking I was ovulating, so DH and I decided to have sex just in case. His post wash count last IUI was 77 mil, so we figured we would be ok with 15 hours to replenish :)

Sooooooooo, his post wash count this time was 31 mil, 80% motility! Hopefully one of them takes a hold of my fabulous egg :)

Thank you again for all of your support and good thoughts!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

IUI #2 is set for Thursday!

So I go in for my cd12 u/s to see how my response was this cycle to clomid. She tells me I have 14 follies in my left and 19 in my right. 1 of which is dominant, with two mature follies right behind. She said we're ready to move forward already! So, we will trigger tonight at 12 PM, and IUI is set for late Thursday morning!! W00t!

I will say I'm going to be a bit nervous about my lining.... she said it was on the thin side (more so than the other cycles) so I've been pounding out the POM juice just in case that shit works! lol

I talked to my loving Grandma tonight to let her know about the IUI (mine and DH's entire family knows about our struggles) and she said she would continue to say a prayer nightly for us. So sweet, thank you Grams!

Let's hope Bhilyer is right on #2 @ 32!!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

I love this quote

I failed my way to success.
-Thomas Edison

This quote makes me chuckle when I see it, and will *hopefully* be me once we have a successful pregnancy!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I got the job!

For those of you who don't know the back story, I work for this company who offers opportunities to train in other areas within the company. Last Aug '09 I was offered one of those training positions and loved it. FF to this last Aug and I'm told they need to place me back, but I was able to apply for a perm position. Of course I did because I loved the work, and I just found out today I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so unbelievably excited to go back =) Yay for Papps lol

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My flowers from a fellow bumpie turned IRL friend :)

Mdluv, thank you so much sweetie :) They are absolutely lovely and they smell so beautiful!

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to me :)

So, after Friday, I thought this would be the suckiest birthday in a while, but we've actually had a great time :) Saturday night we went to Cinetopia. A movie theater with a 4 start restaurant inside, as well as a wine bar. It was fabulous! The theater we were in was for 21 and over, had plush leather seats with pillow tops, leather ottomans, and wait service. (They literally took our dinner order IN the theater and served it to us on trays!)

It's hard to tell from this picture, but the front row is about how much room you had in front of you... pretty stinkin cool
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Here is the patio where you can eat dinner, or bring out your wine/beer
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Here is the dining area (there is a bar area that is not shown in here). They had a pianist & a fireplace with couches
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Then today I met up with my parents and we had lunch at this amazing Italian restaurant on the river!

Falls for the paper mill
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The river
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The bar in the restaurant
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Friday, September 10, 2010


This is the fist time since we have been TTC that I have just cried my eyes out. Not that I haven't cried before, but this was different. I had to work today and I swear I couldn't turn that shit off. I know much of it has to do with PMSing and clomid, but it really hit me hard.

Then, I realized how difficult the morning was, but now in the evening it's like I'm ready to move on again. (could be the wine, LOL) I'm so bummed that it didn't work, but more so because I know DH was so hopeful. Breaks my heart :( I just HAVE to move forward or I'll lose hope.

I've already scheduled our cd3 b/w and u/s for Monday.... sooooooooooo can I get some good thoughts for IUI #2?? Puleeeeeaaaase? xoxoxo

Monday, September 6, 2010

So I tested today- 11dpiui

and of course it was negative. I know its early, and it was actually a diluted sample (I went to bed really late and tested pretty early so there wasn't much time in between) so I'm not devastated just yet.

I will say that I'm not becoming anymore hopeful though. I think I'll wait till 9/9 which is 14dpo. AF should be here around that time so she may actually beat me to it.
It's good we have IUI #2 already set in motion

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Birthday week is just about here!

So, my bff and I started this thing where we get a whole week for our birthday (meaning, its more special than other weeks for the birthday girl). So then I passed this on to DH and we've been doing them ever since. It could be as simple as you get out of doing the dishes, maybe get a foot massage, no extra errands etc... just makes it more fun.
I can't wait for it! I'm excited to see what goodness comes my way! lol

YAY for b-day weeks!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I use this word a lot

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"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul. And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all" - Emily Dickinson

My good bumpie friend today announced a BFN that broke my heart. She of all people deserves to be a mom, and as I sit here tearing up writing this.... I can't help but hope this is not the end for her. If your reading this.... I would give my right arm if it meant a baby for you. Don't give up hope xoxo

Friday, August 27, 2010

IUI # 1

Went super duper well :) DH is so proud of his little troopers.... post wash count was 77 mil with 90% motility! They said his progression was a 3+ (I have no idea what that means.... but they said its on a scale of 1-4).

We were there for quite some time, but the actual procedure took seconds! I'm stoked! Funny, the lady who did it was this super sweet gal, but she came back into the room after she had us lay there a few minutes and asked if we were pregnant LOL She was awesome.

I'm not going to lie, I'm hopeful this cycle. I know the odds still aren't superb, but we're going to be optimistic this go around :) Wish us luck!!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

*This one is for qtsreign*

Ok, how about this???

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Or this?
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How about this?
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Or them?
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That's all I got.... work with me here hon!! lol

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ahhhhhhhhh obsessions :)

So, ever since I saw Eminem in Concert back in 2002, I have always had a crush on him. Every now and then the innocent obsession returns. How can one not think this is hotness? lol

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Ok, how about this?

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So edible!

Monday, August 16, 2010

...A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down!

In ev'ry job that must be done
There is an element of fun
you find the fun and snap!
The job's a game

Nad ev'ry task you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
A lark! Aspree!
It's very clear to me

That a...
Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medicine go down-wown
The medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
In a most delightful way

A robin feathering his nest
Has very little time to rest
While gathering his
Bits of twine and twig

Though quite intent in his pursuit
He has a merry tune to toot
He knows a song
Will move the job along

For a...
Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medicine go down-wown
The medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
In a most delightful way

-Mary Poppins

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Papps on Clomid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Papps after heaven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Funny how it's the little things in life that cheer you up! LOLZ (thanks PFF for your inspiration about not wasting food) :o)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alright ladies...... blog is public again

I started to greatly dislike the template form of blogger, so I changed back to the original backgrounds- but had to create a new blog per se. I lost all my followers when doing so :( and I'm too lazy to re-send all the invites! So I deleted the more private info, and we'll go back to a public blog

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Monday, August 9, 2010

The worst feeling ever :(

So, I had this crazy urge to POAS yesterday and so I did. We actually saw two pink lines for the first time in my life! We ran to get a digital and more line sticks for this morning and were beaming (although super nervous).

So, I tested today, and they were both negative. I went in to Kaiser (only because I already had an appt set up) and she said her guess is it was a chemical pregnancy- but they won't do a beta yet. She says if I don't get AF in the next week to come in. I don't feel like driving all the way over to my RE's office so we'll just wait it out.

It was short lived excitement but what can you do. I will say, I haven't been this sad in quite some time. I've been pretty good about not getting my hopes up, but when I saw that second line my heart melted.

So, IUI- here we come

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I've had the most wonderful vacation so far!

First DH and I went camping last Tues and came back on Thurs (that was a ton of fun). Then Friday I turned around and came to Cali to see my sister and her new baby. I love both my nephews so much. The oldest who is 2.5 years old is such a sweetheart and VERY smart for his age (kinda hoping he makes millions to take care of auntie) ::wink wink::
My mom came down with me so it's been a lot of fun. My grandma is here and we've all been hanging out, helping my sister :)

Tonight I pack up for the Bay Area to see friends and of course mdluvie! W00t! Can't wait! Hope everyone is doing well..... I miss you


Sunday, July 25, 2010

What a fabulous end to July!

So, today I got a smiley face (yay for ovulating soon)!! After wondering if I actually ovulated on cd9 instead- thanks to FF giving me some solid CH's I'm pleased to announce the u/s tech was correct, I should O in the next day or two I hope. I've had some pretty bad cramping, the same that happened last clomid cycle when I ovulated so that's great news! Especially since we leave to go camping in a few days, I was hoping to not have to worry about TI! :)
So that gets a fatty grin from me :o)

THEN, we leave early Tues morning to go camping. The campground is by this gorgeous boating lake, but isn't on the lake though, so its more private :) Love it! Then we come back on Thursday evening, and I leave for Cali with my mom on Friday to go see my sister/fam and new nephew!!

And from there to the Bay Area to see my lovely awesome girl mdluv and friends from school etc..... I can't fucking wait!!

I'm hoping to hit up these places....
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Possibly San Fransisco with Mdluvie!
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And hopefully here...
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