Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thinking about deleting my blog..... question for you

First off, I apologize for being such a lame blogger lately. Things have been pretty hectic and I just don't have much to update on lately, hence the cease in postings!

My question is for those who have had kids or life just becomes pretty busy, do you still find joy in blogging (or the time)?

I've had so much fun blogging while TTC, but for some reason things have just slowed down and I don't want to bore the crap out of anyone with posts about nothing. It makes me sad to think about deleting my blog, but I'm not sure if I will want to continue. Any advice is welcomed!!!



  1. But how am I going to see pictures of your cute bebe?!? I only blog once a month for the most part but it's nice to keep people up to date, IMO.

  2. Oh no. I'll miss reading your posts! I love blogging - most of my posts are about the kids. If I didn't blog I would have been completely screwed when my pictures were erased off of my computer. It's also a virtual baby book. :)

  3. I say keep blogging, but don't feel like you have to do a certain number of posts, etc. You may want to go back sometime and look at old posts, and will regret deleting the blog all together. And you never know when a google search will bring sometime to your blog where they can relate, even if the post is months old!

  4. With a baby I don't think it's fun but it's great to have everything that you and the baby do written down. I did it for Lorelei and made it into her baby book.

  5. I wonder if this is just a stage I'm in- where I don't feel like doing much of anything at this point lol I would have the blog printed up, as I do not want to ever forget about these past few years.

    Then again I know I will be taking tons of pictures, and would love to share, but I wonder how much I will want to share with the mass public. I also thought about starting up a new private blog for family and which ever friends want to be part of this new chapter
    ::sigh:: I dunno.

    Thanks for your imput ladies!

  6. papps.. i definitely hit timaes while pregnant that i just had nothing to share/write because i was just tired/busy or just felt blah. i say hold on and post as you go. you might find it's helpful for you to blog during naps, for some you time. that's what i do.

  7. I still check out your blog! Don't delete it! I check for updates on the dashboard of the blogs I follow so you don't really need to post all the time. You may feel like coming back to it at some point, and you'd have to start all over again.

  8. I think you'll find it useful to share with all of us Nosey Nellies once she comes! :)

    I didn't update from about a month before A was born to almost 2 months after. But it's nice now to write and vent and share pictures.

  9. I've noticed with my blog friends that have kids, once they get about six months old - they start to blog again. We don't mind if you don't post often....but don't disappear!!

  10. I would go crazy without my blog right now. It's my "me" time every night and I look forward to it :)

    I really like your blog, sweetie. I would miss it!

  11. Thanks you guys for responding... I appreciate it! I guess I just feel boring and "uneventful" so I have nothing to blog about, therefore thought about deleting it. I think I'll stick around for a little while after the baby is here and see how it goes. Knowing me I'll want to AW her out :o)
