Monday, September 26, 2011

37 Weeks and some change

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I apologize for the reflection and dirty mirror :/

*How far along?: 37w2d

*Total weight gain: mid 20's

*How big is baby?: Huge ;) Watermelon. As of my growth u/s at 36w6d they think she is already 8 lbs 1 oz

*Sleep?: Yeah, not so much

*How are you feeling physically? These past few weeks have been very difficult. She has positioned herself more in more pelvis which is painful and uncomfortable and I have slowly started to progress in terms of becoming dilated (though I was never told the number). YAY!

*How are you feeling emotionally?: A ball of emotions. SO excited to meet her!!!!!

*Movement?: Yes and she hurts her mama. It's still amazing to watch my belly move all over the place

*Food cravings?: Nah, not so much anything right now

*Labor signs?: Yes. I've been having cramping and more painful BH contractions, though nothing close to hard labor

*What I miss: Being more mobile, sleeping in my own bed (now sleeping sitting up on the couch) and a nice glass of Pinot :o)

*What I'm looking forward to: Holding my sweet baby girl!

*Random Thoughts: Can my vag handle a large baby!?!?!? LOL OMFG I'm a little nervous :) I have decided to try and labor as long as I can without meds so I can be mobile, but I will opt for an epi


  1. You do NOT look like youre carrying an 8lb baby!

  2. Thanks!!! I keep telling myself they're totally off and she'll be a 6/7 pounder :)
