Sunday, September 11, 2011

I hit 35/35!!!

Ok, one day past due on this, but the picture is from yesterday. How in the world did I make it here? I remember how much doubt I had that I would ever be able to get pregnant, and here I am. If there is one thing I can pass on, it's to never give up!

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*How far along?: 35w1d

*Total weight gain: mid 20's

*How big is baby?: Honeydew (4.5-5.5 lbs)

*Sleep?: What's that?

*How are you feeling physically? Overall pretty good, though I'm starting to exhaust quickly and can feel my body shifting for delivery which is somewhat painful.

*How are you feeling emotionally?: Fantastic! I am so ready for her :)

*Movement?: Yes, though it has slowed down some since she has less room. She loves to kick the top of my belly with her heels though LOL

*Food cravings?: Anything the GD diet tells me not to have? haha

*Labor signs?: Nope

*What I miss: Being able to walk normally (no waddling, grunting) :)

*What I'm looking forward to: Her delivery

*Random Thoughts: We are now totally prepared for her when she comes. The nursery is done (though she'll be sleeping in a bassinet in our room for a while), clothes & blankets are washed, bouncer and swing set up and we picked up the last few things we needed for a while from the store! :) Hopefully it's another month before she's here though, but we're ready for her!


  1. Looking great Papps! Congrats on getting everything ready by 35/35!

  2. Allllmost there Papps omg! I really can't believe it (I mean I can but it's surreal). It seems like yesterday we were doing treatments at the same time and here you are almost a mama to a little girl. Can't wait!

  3. Wow, when did this happen? I'm so excited for you to have your little girl in your arms!

  4. You look great! :) Seems like yesterday that I read your BFP post, it's just amazing how time flies. :)
