Saturday, April 30, 2011

16 Weeks

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*How far along?: 16 Weeks

*Total weight gain: 4 lbs

*How big is baby?: The size of an avacado.

*Sleep?: Still waking up for the restroom, but I'm finally getting comfortable again

*How are you feeling physically?: Feeling really good. I've started getting heartburn the last few days, but other than that I'm feeling back to normal

*How are you feeling emotionally?: This week I had to deal with the idea of how much weight I will end up at. It was a little difficult to swallow, especially since I've NEVER been this heavy to begin with. BUT, bring me a healthy baby and I'll gain whatever I need to!

*Best moment this week?: Hearing the heartbeat at the doctor's office. It sounds a lot different than on my home doppler

*Movement?: Nope.

*Food cravings?: Mexican food!

*Labor signs?: Nope

*What I miss: A glass or three of my Pinot Noir

*What I'm looking forward to: Our anatomy scan!

*Random Thoughts: I wonder what color eye's the bebeh will have?


  1. Love that top! You are looking great, Mama!

  2. Love the belly! So awesome! Relish in every moment!

  3. You look stunning love! Absolutely fabulous!


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