Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm so excited for Halloween!!!!

First off, I adore decorating for Halloween! It's so much fun, and I actually think I may have more decorations for Halloween than Christmas!

Back when I was in college, part of my degree (Behavioral Science) was to take Anthropology. From that and my Spanish minor, I learned so much about El Dia de los Muertos (here's link for more info for those interested- sorry don't know how to make it clicky)

But I absolutely loved learning about it all, it was so interesting

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No parties or anything like that this year, but I can't wait to have all my decorations up, and have the kiddos come knocking on the door :) Aaahhhh, Fall time!


  1. We have more Halloween decorations than Christmas decorations too! :) Glad I'm not alone!

  2. i get sad that i never get trick or treaters. but it never stops me from stocking up on candy hahaha


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